sku_code: Enter the product's unique EAN or UPC barcode number here. All products need an EAN or UPC barcode.
product_name: Enter the product's name. This should only contain letters, number and spaces. Max 75 characters. No special characters allowed such as & ( ) - .
product_description: Make this exactly the same as product_name above; same criteria apply: no special characters allowed such as & ( ) - .
ean: If your product uses an EAN barcode (13 digits) input this here.
upc: If your product uses a UPC barcode (12 digits) input this here.
commodity_code: If your products are imported into the UK, please enter their commodity code or HS code. These are 6-12 digit numbers. Make sure not to include spaces or full stops.
weight_kg: Enter the product's weight in KG. Make sure the decimal separator is a point and not a comma, e.g. 9.5 and not 9,5
height_cm: Enter the product's height in CM. Make sure the decimal separator is a point and not a comma, e.g. 9.5 and not 9,5
length_cm: Enter the product's length in CM. Make sure the decimal separator is a point and not a comma, e.g. 9.5 and not 9,5
depth_cm: Enter the product's depth in CM. Make sure the decimal separator is a point and not a comma, e.g. 9.5 and not 9,5
retail_price_gbp: Enter the product's retail price in GBP (this can be approximate).
cost_price_gbp: Enter the product's cost price in GBP (this has to be exact).
image_url: Enter the product image's URL. You can do this by selecting the product image on your website, press the right-click, and select Copy Image Address.
customs_description: The description required for importing products internationally, this should be clear and accurate to prevent import delays.
country_of_manufacture: Input the country of manufacture of your products in full name and uppercase, e.g. UNITED KINGDOM, not UK, not United Kingdom; SPAIN, not SP, not Spain
alt_code_name: Enter the product's internal SKU code used in your marketplace integration.
alt_code_type: Specify the primary integration you are using for you product, i.e 'Shopify', 'Ebay', 'Amazon', etc...
You don't need to add alt_code information if the alt_code_name is the same as the sku_code
2. Once you have filled out the product template, please save it as a CSV file, click 'Browse...' to select the file locally, and 'Upload' to start the upload process.
3. If successful your products should be available for inbound ASN creation within 30 minutes.