When will my products be booked in by the warehouse?

When will my products be booked in by the warehouse?

We know that sellers want their products booked in as soon as possible, so they can start selling or clearing any backorders. We are working as fast as we can to book in your products. Our SLA to book in products is 2 working days upon receipt by the warehouse. During peak months November and December, booking in SLAs are extended, you can read more about that in our Peak Guide in this link.

The goods in process is a critical part to ensure on-time fulfilment. When your products arrive at the warehouse, they get into a goods in queue to be processed. To ensure your products are booked in correctly, there are different steps of the goods in process that need to be adhered to, for example: unload the container (or pallets), sort and count the products (premium goods in), assign a storage location, store the products, depending on the sales velocity, products might be stored in pallet or picking shelf locations. Not following the proper goods in process can result in errors which will result in orders not being fulfilled on time.

Please note that before sending products to our warehouses, you need to create an ASN (Advanced Shipping Notification), so the warehouse knows when to expect a shipment and what the contents will be. For containers and pallets, you need to request a delivery slot, which can be done via the Seller Portal.

If you have any questions and require assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team here.

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